Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Notícias do mundo

Africa "needs anal sex awareness"

Homem Puxa Camião com o Pénis

Cientistas Provam que Água É Molhada

Pesquisadores da Universidade de Berkeley (só podia ser coisa desses malucos daqui) conduziram uma experiência para descobrir o quão distraídos os homens ficam enquanto se masturbam.
Ariely and Loewenstein say their results are "striking" and more than confirm what most people believe about young men as a group - that when aroused, they (1) become sexually attracted to things otherwise offputting; (2) grow more willing to engage in morally questionable behaviour that might lead to sex; and (3) are more likely to have unprotected sex.
Como os resultados podem, ao mesmo tempo, ser striking e confirmar o que todo mundo já sabia?

Homem Assediado por Fantasma Ninfomaníaca

Uma das minhas fantasias de infância sempre foi me apaixonar por uma sexy fantasma. Agora, um homem de Kuala Lumpur está passando por isso:
Man haunted by sex-hungry ghost seeks medium's help

A MAN sought the help of a medium after he got tired of a female ghost who wanted to have sex with him every night for the last 16 years, China Press reported.

The 34-year-old man from Kuala Lumpur, known only as Kelvin, said he felt very tired every night as the long-haired ghost would lure him into making love with her by appearing in different images.

"I have been having bad luck since she appeared in my dream. I have not been able to get married although I have had five girlfriends.

"My employers fired me because I could not concentrate on my work," Kevin said, adding that he had changed jobs at least 10 times.

Kelvin said his nightmare began when he was 18. He believed that the ghost had attached itself to him when he was at a research institute in Kepong.

When he sought help from a medium, Kelvin was told the ghost was that of a woman who committed suicide after a failed love 30 years ago.

A netherworld "wedding" ceremony was held and the medium burnt three paper dolls - representing the bridegroom, a driver and a maid, to accompany the ghost, the newspaper reported.

The medium also announced during the ceremony that the driver would receive a monthly salary of RM1,000 and the maid, RM800.

Sin Chew Daily reported that a group of people had set up a "lazy-man village" in a rural area in Guang Zhou where they could enjoy a relaxed lifestyle every day.

The group comprised those who did not want to face competition in work; had no interest in earning more money; and did not want to be hardworking.

The village, which now has nine families, came out with a set of rules on working together to farm and to rear livestock for food.

Tempestade de areia no Iraque

Aconteceu a 26 de Abril deste ano mas só agora vi estas fotografias impressionantes de uma tempestade de areia no Iraque. Mal por mal, preferia uma tempestade com chuva, ventos fortes e trovoada. Via Adrift.

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