Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!


Mais um jogo com o sistema de "Point'n'Click".
Aqui é roubar até fartar antes que o dono da casa apareça.

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Develop Strength Bruce Lee’s Way.
By: Justin Frost and Ted Wong.

Bruce Lee E-Paper – I
Published by – The Wrong Brothers
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Email – wrongbrothers@yahoo.com
Did Bruce Lee take his training seriously?
"While Bruce was in Hong Kong filming in late 1971 or early 1972, he had his weight equipment and training gear shipped to him," says Ted Wong, who met Lee in 1967 and trained with him for more than six years. "He wanted to stay in shape. So we packed his bags, but we did not send any clothes because he said he could buy them cheap in Hong Kong. We just packed training equipment. When he saw all the bags filled with training equipment, he laughed and said, ‘Now I’m going to be able to do lots of training.’"
And train he did.
"Bruce considered training number one," says Wong. "He was constantly training. When he watched TV or went to the movies, he conditioned his knuckles. When he was driving, he worked the hand grips. If he walked to a bookstore and came to a hill, he always ran. He never wasted time."
Why was this man so obsessed with training? Several reasons.
First, according to Lee, training was important because you couldn’t perform up to your capabilities if you weren’t in shape, Wong recalls.
"Lee felt you had no business being in the martial arts if you weren’t in shape," says Wong. "If you weren’t in shape you couldn’t be 100 percent efficient."
Second, he had lofty goals.
"He wanted to be the best," says Wong. "He wanted to be the best martial artist."
And no one could dispute that he was.
Lee’s Thoughts on Strength
To get in excellent shape, Lee felt you needed strength, Wong notes.
"He considered strength training very important," Wong says. "He was constantly looking for ways to improve, including weight training and isometrics."
Although Lee felt strength was important, he did not believe bodybuilding was the answer, Wong says.
"He felt it was important to have definition, but he did not feel you had to overboard," Wong says. "He did not feel it was necessary to develop large muscles. On the other hand, strength and definition enhanced certain functions, such as kicking and punching."
And Lee’s conditioning entailed more than hand grips, sit-ups, weights, running and conditioning drills.
"A lot of the time he read books and analyzed different arts," Wong says. "He had a keen eye and an analytical mind. He did a lot of researching."
While you may never develop Lee’s skills, you can certainly train the way the "Little Dragon" did. Following are a few of the exercises Lee used to develop power.
Lee’s Strength Routine

Barbell Push

This exercise strengthens your arms, forearms, shoulders, biceps, lats, triceps, chest and abs.
"This exercise works almost your whole body," Wong says. "It’s really good; it’s effective. But it is also very difficult. Although Bruce lifted a lot of weight, most people can’t. I remember trying to lift what he used, and I couldn’t even hold it."
To begin, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Squat, grab the barbell with an underhand grip and stand up. Keeping your elbows by your side, raise the weight straight out, hold for a second, return and repeat.
Do three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. When you’re done, do three sets of 8 to 12 reps with an overhand grip.

Punching With a Dumbbell

This exercise improves your shoulder endurance, which is vital for sparring.
"Bruce did this drill a lot." Wong says.
Hold a five-pound dumbbell in each hand, assume a fighting stance and alternate throwing punches with each hand.
"Do these moderately fast," Wong says.
To prevent an injury, however, don’t throw your punches too fast. Do two to three sets, 10 to 15 reps per set.

One-Hand Dumbbell Drill
This drill strengthens your wrist, which means your punches will be stronger. Lee used this exercise to enhance his one-inch punch, Wong notes.
"When your wrist is strong, you get more power," he says. "And it’s good when you’re in close range because there isn’t much room for your wrist to travel. This is a good drill for the one-inch punch."
To begin, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, and hold a five-pound dumbbell in your right hand. Keeping your arm to your side and using only your wrist, raise the dumbbell as high as you can and lower it as far as you can.
Do two sets of 25 reps. When you’re done, do two sets of 25 reps, moving your wrist from side to side as far as you can.


"This is isometric training for power punching," Wong says. "It was one of Lee’s favorite drills because it built speed and punching power at different ranges."
To do this, you can use a jump rope, a karate belt or a strand of rope.
To begin, assume a fighting stance and hold the rope in both hands. Place your left hand behind your back, wrap the other end around your shoulder and throw a short-range punch. Hold it for five seconds, extend your punch to ¾ distance, hold it for five seconds, extend it to full range and hold.
For each arm, do five sets of five reps.

Board Isometrics
This drill is for leg strength and mobility.
"This exercise really puts pressure on your knees," he says. "It’s intense."
To do this drill, you’ll need a four-foot long board with a shoulder harness strapped in the middle.
To begin, assume a fighting stance on the board and place the harness around your neck. Exerting a constant upward pressure, lean forward and then lean back.
"This drill enables you to develop explosive power and to close the gap [more efficiently]," He says.
Do three sets of one minute. As you improve, increase your time.

Hand Isometric Drills
This drill strengthens your forearms, which is great for trapping and punching.
You will need the board for this exercise also. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, wrap the straps around your forearms and exert pressure upward.
Do three sets of one minute. Don’t rest more than one minute between sets.

Bull Worker for Punching

This drill also strengthens your punching power.
To do this drill, you’ll need a Bull Worker, which you may be able to find at a sporting goods store.
Assume a fighting stance, hold the bow straps in each hand, and throw as many punches as you can, as fast as you can.
"Do these real fast, and do as many as you can," Wong says.
Do two to three sets. You can throw backfists or straight punches. This device also enables you to adjust the tension.

Bull Worker for Trapping

Again, you will also need the Bull Worker for this drill, which strengthens your forearms for trapping, grabbing and hitting.
Assume a fighting stance, place one end of the Bull Worker against your abs, and hold the other end at about head-height. As quickly as possible, pull the top part toward your abs, return and repeat.
What Made Bruce Great?
So what made Bruce Lee as great as he was?
Strength training? Genetics? Intensity?
"I think there are a lot of factors, but I think it was his drive," Wong says. "For example, he always told me you had to put 100 % effort into everything you did. He said, ‘When you throw a punch, put everything into it. Don’t just go through the motions.’ To this day I remember that, and it’s very important to me."

Important Note

This is the first E-Paper on Bruce Lee released by The Wrong Brothers. We will soon release the second E-Paper on Bruce Lee And Jeet Kune Do as soon as we have some new material on Bruce Lee. Our dream is to compile an E-book that contains all the information on Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do. So if you have any information on Bruce Lee or his exercises, then please contact me at wrongbrothers@yahoo.com . We will put it in our next E-Paper along with your name. All you Bruce Fans let’s join our hands together and publish an E-Book on Bruce that has never been compiled before. Come and be a member of Bruce Lee's P2P (Peer to Peer) Community.
Please Share Any Information or Exercises about Bruce Lee over P2P Networks (Kazzaa, Morpheus, Grokster, File Share, etc…)

– The Wrong Brothers, 12th Aug 2002


his thread is for any playstation events updates (ex:PsFest,Devstation,E3,TGS etc...)

Confirmed Events:

E3- May 10th-12th
-sony to display playable demos of warhawk

E3 2006:
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Conference Program: May 9th—11th
Expo: May 10th—12th


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TGS-September 22nd-24th

March 15th Biz meeting recap:


-PS3 will lauch worldwide simultaneously early november

-Sony will launch 6 million units before the end of their fiscal year (March. 31 2007)

-PS3 Will have a HDD (60 gb standard)
The HDD will come pre-loaded with LinuxOS

-Final devkits to be shipped in June

-Sony will have "basic" online service like silver live
(can play for free unlike live "silver") and probably a paid
service allowing you to download content

-PS3 is delayed reason: DRM Copywrite protection in Blu-Ray

-100% backward compatible with ps2, and ps1 games

-PS3 will support HDMI 1.3 (which is the newest)


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:05 am Reply with quoteBack to top
But the onlt promblem is we don't know the date.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:07 am Reply with quoteBack to top
actually we do, the last was held early/mid feb and sony is 90% likely to do the
same as to soon in feb is to quick and to late in feb is right before the sony devconf

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:07 am Reply with quoteBack to top
firefox, dont you think its a bit early for this?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:07 am Reply with quoteBack to top
They are runnig out of time they have to release launch/software/hardware details soon i think games will be playable too. Lets just hope it's not like CES remember everyone thought it would be the place where all the detial would be release instead we basically got nothing.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:08 am Reply with quoteBack to top
the ces thread was started like from 40 days and I just made this thread for updates/
opinions of the feb conf nothing I just put a count down to remind everyone

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:09 am Reply with quoteBack to top
No I mean the date not month

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:10 am Reply with quoteBack to top
I was saying that its confirmed that its either early or mid feb because the sony
dev conf is on march 1st

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:11 am Reply with quoteBack to top
wasnt the CES thread made when we had a proper release date?

it was posted in another thread that the conference will be between 12-18th (confirmed by PS Gamer - insider?) so perhaps its not too early to make a thread Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:11 am Reply with quoteBack to top
Yeah I know it will be in feb but I am talking about the date, We don't know the date.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:15 am Reply with quoteBack to top
t was posted in another thread that the conference will be between 12-18th (confirmed by PS Gamer - insider?) so perhaps its not too early to make a thread Wink

yeah I made that thread!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:16 am Reply with quoteBack to top
This thread will get lock just like the other one, because the date you have is just pure speculation. Even tho PS Gamer said the conf. is during 12th - 18th, no official word has been released from Sony so this is still not offial(not to say PS Gamer doesn't know what he is talking about).

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:19 am Reply with quoteBack to top
the link says the ps2 lauch date was announced at the 2000 conf.

The company scored an early public relations win, beating out the launch of Windows 2000 on the early evening news shows across Japan's five major commercial TV networks. But its PlayStation.com Web site was unable to handle demand from users for advance orders.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:20 am Reply with quoteBack to top
firefox wrote:
t was posted in another thread that the conference will be between 12-18th (confirmed by PS Gamer - insider?) so perhaps its not too early to make a thread Wink

yeah I made that thread!

Nope enhart did. unless thats you!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:22 am Reply with quoteBack to top
please realize, there were about 80 pages of pure NOTHING before CES even started, so please don't repeat that. If you really feel like doing this, please wait until Feb. 1st or whenever Sony officialy announces it

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:22 am Reply with quoteBack to top
i think its time for this i mean its the last week of jan. so why not. plus this will cut down in the posts about it in the forum. and i remember when those pics for ps2 were the greatest thing ive ever seen now its a ps3. Very Happy
one thing we might gurentee is the playable ps3.

this is a great post you should read it http://ps3forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=399
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:22 am Reply with quoteBack to top
I don't think we'll be seeing much.
After all the earlier speculation about playable games at TGS, big announcements at CES and all the other bull I'm beginning to think rumours about PS3 not even being closed to finish just might be true.

Let's hope I'm wrong and we'll hear everything we need to hear at the PlayStation meeting on the 5th of February.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:27 am Reply with quoteBack to top

Let's hope I'm wrong and we'll hear everything we need to hear at the PlayStation meeting on the 5th of February.

why did you pick the fifth of feb. do you know something we should know. Very Happy

this is a great post you should read it http://ps3forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=399
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:27 am Reply with quoteBack to top
This is spam anyways, lets just put it this way.....some day in February. I think this is the one guys, OMG the chang3 is coming OMG Shocked

This was taken from Tribunal's guestbook
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This kid should lay away the pipe.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:29 am Reply with quoteBack to top
Nope enhart did. unless thats you!

nope. I did.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:42 am Reply with quoteBack to top
firefox wrote:
Nope enhart did. unless thats you!

nope. I did.


are you high?

I mean the thread that the statement of PS Gamer said the conference would be between 12th-18th.

Heres the link of THAT thread:


That was what I was going on about. Not the thread you got closed. Hero.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:53 am Reply with quoteBack to top
my thread was made jan 09 and that one a week ago. there's no point in arguing.
I just made this thread for updates because feb is next week

does anyone have a link to kutaragi talking about the conf?

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:56 am Reply with quoteBack to top
Ok. Is the Playstation Festival and Playstation Conference the same thing? So confusing..

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:00 am Reply with quoteBack to top
playstation festival= feb

playstation dev conf.=march 1st, 2nd

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:01 am Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok. Is the Playstation Festival and Playstation Conference the same thing? So confusing..

i think it is, mabe its called a festival for it goes on for more than one day and a conference because they talk about all the facts.

this is a great post you should read it http://ps3forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=399
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:04 am Reply with quoteBack to top
please realize, there were about 80 pages of pure NOTHING before CES even started, so please don't repeat that. If you really feel like doing this, please wait until Feb. 1st or whenever Sony officialy announces it

By the way this thread started, we might actually see over 100 pages of nothing untill the thing starts Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:06 am Reply with quoteBack to top
what is interesting is the fact that sony did the same thing with the ps2, people
were going to buy the dreamcast and thought that sony flopped and were behind.
but at the festival they showed the ps2 final with the box and menu (look at first
post), they had playable games, products and everything all at once!

I'm surprised microosoft has not caught up with sony's strategy which is the same as
with the ps2


By the way this thread started, we might actually see over 100 pages of nothing untill the thing starts Very Happy
Firefox trying for a record?

a 100 pages in 18 days wow that is a record Very Happy

edit: oops sorry to double post didn;t see when replying that made
seperate post

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:11 am Reply with quoteBack to top
i think if its going to happen in feb we will here the date by the end of this week for sure.

this is a great post you should read it http://ps3forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=399
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:13 am Reply with quoteBack to top
Why start a countdown base on speculation, when we don't know know the exact date for Playstation Festival.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:14 am Reply with quoteBack to top
8 more days till feb so expect some reports of sony setting up a big event even
bigger than e3!

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