Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

FantasPorto 2015

Between February 27 and March 7 is Fantasy cinema week in Porto! The 35th edition of the International Film Festival of Porto is returning to its "Best European Destination", for ten days of festivities where producers, directors, actors, actresses and the audience converge in a multi-faceted program, with special focus on the fantastic.
This year marks the centenary of the birth of Orson Wells, with the screening of his first film, "Citizen Kane", considered by many the best film in cinema history. Dance will also be centre-stage with a retrospective dedicated to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
Alongside these tributes and retrospectives, the FantasPorto festival offers a total 200-250 short and long uncut films, with some 50 countries represented. The most recent films, many in European and World Premieres, are present in 4 competitive sections – Fantasy, Directors Week, Orient Express and Portuguese Cinema. The productions of 26 countries have been selected out of the 51 countries that sent films for selection.
Also Film Schools and universities are screening their latest productions and are going to have their annual meeting in Fantasporto . An art exhibition by renowned painter Manuela Mendes da Silva complete the program of Fantasporto 2015.
Tickets will be available online at 5 Euros for one, 7 Euros for two, and open passes to all sessions priced at 100 Euros.
The FantasPorto programme, always showing the industry’s latest, attracts dozens of journalists and foreign distributors to the city. Why not come too, and take the opportunity either to get to know the city of Porto better or to revisit your favourite places in the Invicta City. If you’re looking for overnight accommodation in the city during the festival, let us help you. See our page dedicated to accommodation or contact us.

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