Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Anyone Enjoy Watching Hamas Lovers Being Demolished?

Hillel Neuer speaks at a UN Human Rights Council emergency session on Israeli violations of human rights in Gaza. The sheer audacity of his speech which points out that “thousands of protesters were killed and injured by Turkey, Egypt and Libya; when more victims than ever were hanged by Iran; women and children in Afghanistan were bombed; whole communities were massacred in South Sudan; hundreds in Pakistan were killed by jihadist terror attacks; 10,000 Iraqis were killed by terrorists…” as ambassadors from Saudi Arabia, Egypt (United Arab Emirates), Palestine, Cuba, and Syria all try to silence him. Interesting to note, that many of the countries represented on the council are not democracies and have a strong record of human rights violations in their countries. There are also many Arab and Moslem countries on the council.
Can this council really be impartial? Hillel Neuer thinks not. We are grateful for Hillel’s voice of truth and sanity which seems to be so lacking at this council.

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