Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Muslims Tried To Bring Sharia Law To Texas, But They Didn’t Count on This Mayor’s EPIC Response

Many people say that Muslim “Sharia Law” could never come to Texas. But in some ways it already has.
As Top Right News reported back in January, an Islamic Tribunal has been established in Irving, Texas.
Although the Muslim so-called “judges” claim this is just for religious disputes and marital issues, it has created plenty of outrage — not just in Texas, but nationwide.
That’s when the Mayor of Irving, Beth Van Duyne, made her stand. She posted on Facebook denouncing illegal entities that try to act outside the Constitution. Including Sharia “law”.
Muslim leaders went nuts. Van Duyne came under fire for being “anti-Islamic” when she spoke against the Shariah Law tribunal, which was never approved by the City Council.”It fuels anti-Islamic hysteria,” Zia Sheikh, imam at the Islamic Center of Irving, told the Dallas Morning News. “Her whole point was to rile up her supporters. … The problem is we become the whipping boys.”
The paper itself went on the attack, trying to personally sully her reputation, as the media often does — falsely portraying anyone who wants checks on Islam as “Islamophobic.”
Van Duyne would not back down. She proposed, and the city of Irving just passed a law that says no foreign entities laws will be given merit. This means that only the laws of the United States will be followed and adhered to in the city of Irving.
WATCH video of the contentious meeting where Van Duyne stood up to dozens of angry Muslims:


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