Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Here’s What Obama Did To Iraqi Christians After Granting 4,200 Muslims Asylum

The Obama administration has granted some 4,200 Muslim “refugees” asylum in America this year alone, which isn’t exactly a good thing. However, even worse is the news a group of Christians from Iraq awaiting asylum in San Diego just received, and that’s not even the half of it.
MailOnline is reporting that so far this year, 4,200 Muslims have been granted asylum in our nation, which would lead people to believe that a proportionate amount of Christians from the same region were given the same. However, that’s just simply not the case. In fact, so far the Obama administration has only allowed just a fraction of that amount in.
How many Christians has America accepted so far? To be exact, 727 since the start of the year. Surprised? You should be. Christians are the single most persecuted group in the region, and as such, they need help more than anybody else, which makes the decision made about the ones awaiting asylum in San Diego even more enraging.

Of the 27 Iraqi Christians, known as Childeans, currently being detained in California after crossing the Mexican border in search of a safe country to live in, 22 of them were just told they were being shipped back to Europe. If that doesn’t enrage you, how about the fact that they all had family sponsors, who are more than willing to take them in? Yeah, that upset me as well.
Lisa Jones, director of the group, Christian Freedom International, spoke with MailOnline about the outrageous decision that she said “makes no sense.”
“These are people from a Christian culture like our own that needs protection from ISIS. It is harder for Christians to move around Iraq and Syria to even get the chance to seek asylum,” said Jones. “While many more Muslims are granted asylum over here, Christians are being systematically exterminated.”
Indeed, and it’s been a borderline genocide, which should make allowing Christian refugees into our nation an urgent matter. However, apparently to the Obama administration, it isn’t, despite the atrocities we’ve witnessed carried out against them by the Islamic Stat terror group (ISIS).
“They have family members, also Christians, who are willing to take them in,” Jones told MailOnline. “It used to be that that would be a huge help. It’s not clear why they, of all people, are being turned away while others are accepted.”
Well it’s really simple, Ms. Jones. They’re not Mexican, Muslim, or any other minority that Obama and his cronies can pander to in order to get votes. In fact, I would argue that it’sbecause they’re Christian that they’re being turned away, especially after Obama’s numerous attacks on the religion.
Regardless, I can’t even believe that this happened, or that it’s being allowed to happen. First off, there’s a majorly disproportionate amount of Muslims being granted asylum compared to Christians, which should cause massive outrage. But secondly, the dangers facing Christians in the region aren’t a secret, and as such, they should get priority over anybody else, including Muslims.
Once again, this tone deaf administration shows its true colors. Are you surprised? I’m not. Unfortunately, this kind of thing has become the norm in our backwards, upside down nation.

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