Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Para não deixar morrer o assunto Ota

"Airport competition" (Adam Smith Institute):

The success of regional airports such as Manchester and Luton – the latter made itself the home of easyJet – show that we were right. Competition brings benefits. [...] The suggestion is that Ferrovial for one would be interested in buying BAA plc precisely to get Heathrow – one of the world's busiest airports – and would quickly sell the rest.

That would be excellent news for UK air travellers. It would mean a real market in take-off and landing slots would develop. Airports would be competing for airlines and for travellers. Who knows: we might end up being treated like valued customers rather than as cattle being herded through the pens.

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