Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

No tempo dos slows...

Adrian Gurvitz
Composição: Adrian Gurvitz

Got to write a classic
Got to write it in an attic
Babe, I'm an addict now
An addict for your love

I was a stray boy
And you was my best toy
Found it easy to annoy you
But you were different from the rest
And I loved you all the wrong ways
Now listen to my say
If it changed to another way
Would the difference make it?
Would it be a classic?
I gotta send it right away

Got to write a classic
Got to write it in an attic
Babe, I'm an addict now
An addict for your love

(Gotta write it down and send it right away)

Got to write a classic
Got to write it in an attic
Babe, I'm an addict now
An addict for your love

Now I'm living my life
One day at a time
Since losing your love
I've been losing my mind
No more can I see?
The future so clear
And it's not what I mean
I mean it's not what it seems
I just keep living for dreams
And it's not what I mean
I mean it's not what it seems
I just keep living for dreams

Got to write a classic
Got to write it in an attic
Babe, I'm an addict now
I'm an addict for your love

(Gotta write it down and send it right away)

( Now, I'm outta control without you)
(My love can't flow, there's no living without you)
(And now, I know, and I do what I say)

Gotta write it down and send it right away

Este é para mim o melhor slow de todos os tempos.
Do tempo das festas de garagem,
Do tempo do medo de convidar aquela rapariga para dançar,
Do tempo dos primeiros beijos,
Do tempo dos primeiros “amassos”,
Do tempo dos primeiros desgostos amorosos,
Do tempo do friozinho na barriga, só de pensar nela,…
Ainda hoje ouço esta música sem me fartar.

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