Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Cenas do Irão profundo (II)

Corajosas mulheres iranianas

Imagens de uma mulher iraniana com o rosto ensanguentado depois de ter sido espancada pela polícia de Teerão. O seu crime foi tão só ter recusado o lenço que as mulheres daquele retrógado país muçulmano são obrigadas a usar sobre a sua cabeça desde a malograda revolução de 1979. Milhares de mulheres têm sido "notificadas" pela polícia no sentido de cumprirem o terrível código hislâmico de vestimenta feminina e centenas acabam mesmo por serem detidas por usarem os lenços de cabeça demasiado soltos ou os casacos excessivamente apertados.
As imagems abaixo falam por si. Para além da repressão que sobre o povo do Irão, e muito principalmente as mulheres, os rumores acerca da eventualidade de um ataque dos USA fazem aumentar os receios e o descontentamento estre a população subjugada aos ayatollas.



Masih has published these two pictures from the recent Police Brutality against “improper veiled” women in Iran.

The recent Police brutality against women, because of their “improper” veils, has caused disgust and anger in the Iranian blogosphere. Although some bloggers were initially worried that revealing the injured women’s face may put her in danger of prosecution, the very picture of a women with bloody face has been circulated in the Internet, both inside and outside Iran. Balatarin, the Iranian Digg, created a hot topic to cover the story. Right after the first picture was linked in Balatarin, it hit a record high in terms of number of votes, comments and clicks.

The anger is not a matter of political view. Simply, the mainstream blogosphere is up on their feet. These are some reactions inside Iran.
Oops! The game got bloody!
Taliban in Tehran.
Am I weak or you are?
What is this place?
Chief of Police! I assure you these pictures will not find their way to newspapers. Masih also provides more pictures of the incident, shown in the above.
These women have the heart of a lion.
Yesterday, 7-Tir square [where the incident happened] smelled like blood.
Animal brutality still exists in Iran.
Thank you.
Who is responsible, the one who oppresses or the one who accepts it.
We are the outcomes of dictatorship.
I hate brutality.
One strap of hair is the distance between improper veil and a bloody face.
I hate Iran [not the exact translation].
Civil insecurity program.
Human being’s personality.
On the grave of humanity.
State of fear.
Sever struggle of Police and people in 7-Tir.
I am not even sure that this list is close to complete. Bloggers have also issued a public invitation for condemnation of the brutality.
Some reactions from outside Iran,
Iranian police crack-down against women continues
Iran: Reign of Terror Reloaded
Ghastly Police Brutality Against Women in Iran!

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