Kosta de Alhabaite

Nortenho, do Condado Portucalense

Se em 1628 os Portuenses foram os primeiros a revoltar-se contra o domínio dos Filipes, está na hora de nos levantarmos de novo, agora contra a corrupçao, o centralismo e colonialismo lisboeta!

Beijing Olympics: the hidden cost

"China's determination to breed a generation of gold medal winners for the 2008 Beijing Olympics was last night under intense scrutiny after a leading British Olympic medallist professed that he was shocked and disturbed by the training methods he witnessed there." Sir Matthew Pinsent, the four-time rowing gold medallist, claimed that gymnasts as young as five were routinely beaten as part of their training regime. "He made the allegations after visiting the Shichahai Sports School, a boarding school in Beijing that trains gymnasts ... " Texto completo aqui

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